I've always wanted to own my own bookstore/coffee shop, and this is what I want to call it. I actually hate cherries, except fresh Bing cherries. But honestly, a hot fudge sundae is not complete without a cherry. It's just that extra topping that makes it perfect. And that's what I want out of life...all the extras that God gives to make it "perfect" or at least a little closer to heavenly.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Almost 3 hours ago, I sat down to update my blog. I was angry at my husband and frustrated with my children. Lloyd was asleep at 9:30 after arguing with me. There are black crayon marks all over Bryce's door. Brady won't sleep through the night anymore, and Braxton has become an argumentative, opiniated 5 year old. I really didn't know what to say in my blog, so I decided I would read everyone else's updates first.

I ended up on a blog of a couple I knew in college. Their baby boy, who was a little over a year old, died earlier this month. As I read the mom's blog, my heart ached (still does) for her, and her husband, and their other little boy. As I read about her wanting memories of her son and desiring to smell his smell, tears poured! Suddenly, I realized that she would do anything to have crayon marks on her door from a 2 year old, and a baby to hold at 4am, and a 5 year old to argue with her. And I want to run to my boys' rooms and smell them...

I also read Stacey's blog, and she had a link to another blog that reiterated what I was already convicted about... http://aholyexperience.com/2008/08/what-mother-must-sacrifice.html. I need to "pluck." I need to remember that one of the most precious gifts I can give my boys is myself, and one of the most precious gifts I can give myself is my boys.

When I sat I down to this computer, I felt unappreciated, aggravated, and tired. Just now, Bryce started crying (he fell out of bed) and I gladly went and put him back in the bed. I hugged him tight and smelled deeply and said "I love you." and in his still very sleep voice he said "I love you...too." Sheer bliss. God forgive me for not appreciating these precious gifts you have given me.

Ladies, may we "pluck" with willingness and thankfulness. May we cherish each moment with our children and our husbands. And may we never take for granted what has been "plucked" for us...


robbieniccum said...

Thank you so much Randi...*tears*..I was ready for my break down...really....I will try hard to be thankful for the reasons my world is spinning like crazy also....

TexasNeals said...

i'm so glad that ann's post ment as much to you as it did to me. she is so gifted w/ words and encourages me all the time!!! :) it helps so much when someone helps us put it all in perspective!

Moms Gone Godly said...

Beautifully spoken and just what I needed to hear this evening! Thank you.

The Hamby's said...

Thank you! This puts things in perspective for so many of us! I can't imagine life without my children. How will I will let my attitude affect my day and the way I handle my kids and husband. Some days I need a padlock over my mouth and a bible in my hand!!! And there are many nights where I've put my children to bed, anxious to have some peace and quiet! But later, finding myself missing them and walking into their room to give them the propper bedtime kissies and prayers. What would I do, if I didn't have that second chance to do it right? I would be at a total loss! With God's help - I'll try harder to do it right the first time and not let my attitude get in the way. Thanks for the encouragement!!

Oliver said...

So well said Randi!!I just may copy and paste it on my blog if thats okay..i know some moms who NEED to read this!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for reminding me too! Miss you!

The Loftis Family said...

Oh, Randi! Great - loved it. I, too, need to be reminded of the precious gifts we're given and how not to take them for granted.

God's Girl said...

Thanks for sharing! It blessed my heart!


Lisa said...

hi, I am a friend of Robbies and I read this from Jodies site, anyway I have sent to a friend who is in such a horrible rut with her family life and I have listened to her cry and my words are not reaching her, she is not feeling hopeful or peace in anything that is going on, this I cried over as well as a you tube that was sent to me that I will post a link to on my blog today, May life be a blessing and not such a chore and fight.
Thank you for posting so we can all share in the blessing this is giving.